Bonne Fête Nationale!

Happy Bastille Day... today is the 226th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, and the 225th anniversary of the first Fête de la Fédération. We're proud to have derived our name and our craft from French origins.

So today at Voilà Chocolat (221 West 79th Street), we'll be sampling some of our French treats: croissants, pain au chocolat, financiers, macarons, and canelés, to name a few. 

We also have French vanilla soft-serve ice cream (or, if you prefer, try a tangy fro-yo) with our chefs' own chocolate sauce recipe and fun toppings and sprinkles.

And voilà: your own mini-Bastille Day celebration. Stop by today and say "bonjour."

Vive la France!